Most of the time I am very content to let my daily activities be dictated by a to-do list of one kind or another. Some days the list has twenty things on it and other days just two. The tasks can be simple, like "make bed" or complex like, "Wash all the walls." (Hey, don't laugh. I have to deodorize this place somehow!) The list can be something I need to follow, like when I am getting ready before a long trip, or something I really don't care about, like on Saturdays when I just want to feel like I thought about doing something. Basically, I like to plan my life, just so I know what I am doing! But every once in awhile, that desire to be spontaneous just takes over and BOOM!, the next thing I know, it's 5 hours later and I've driven at least 80 miles.
Today was one of those days. After I got home from church I couldn't decide what to do. I needed a nap, but didn't want to sleep. I needed to get some minor chores done, but I'd rather do them at night when I'm less tempted to be outside. Then I decided it was too late to start anything so I had probably better just stay home and chill out for the day. Finally I decided that I should return two shirts I didn't want before I forgot about them, so I set out for the mall. Normally a trip to the mall and subsequent window shopping is a pretty good way to waste time, but I spent about 10 minutes at the mall and left. On my way out, I thought, "Hmm...I need gas. I'll stop at the next BP station." So off I went down 526, singing along to the radio.
The key to a Kate Homonai road trip is that there are never any directions involved. This has only been bad one time, when Katie and I ended up in a not so nice part of Akron. The rest of the time, only positive results have occurred. Most of the time I end up finding a few cool things and then accidentally finding my way back home. Today was no exception.
I knew 526 would end up taking me near Sullivan's Island (and the first BP station I knew I would find. Coincidence? I think not.) But along the way I found a few new thrift stores and my Wendy's gift card from Christmas, with just enough money left on it to buy a 5 piece chicken nugget. Not a healthy lunch, but it tasted good! Once I got on to Sullivan's Island, I got my "exercise" in for the day by walking the beach for about half an hour. The highlight of today's trip was finding a dead star fish. Then I went traveling around the island, trying to identify potential future homes. (Note: If anyone out there wants to buy me a house, I will show you EXACTLY which one I want. Thank you in advance!) Some of the homes were cute little buildings that look like any old beach house you'd see in pictures- wood sided homes with wrap around porches and rocking chairs and a number of older trees. Others were monuments to their owner's wealth- huge homes with modern architecture and expensive landscaping. Basically, I just ended up falling in love with the island a little more. Then I left.
I made it off the island and was sitting at a light when I discovered something out of the ordinary for South Carolina: a street name sign!! "Hmm...Rifle Range Rd. I've heard of that...wonder where it will go.." While I had intended to go straight ahead, I decided to turn at the last minute and off I went. One long, scenic road full of very nice homes, old trees with Spanish moss, and three round-abouts later, I came to a road I thought I knew, so I turned left since I thought that it might take me back towards Summerville, eventually. Looking at Google Maps just now, I made a few big circles, but I did find a Starbucks (another gift card!) and 526. As I started heading home I was relieved, mostly because I was getting tired. Then I missed my exit. This isn't the first time I've done that coming home from that direction, but I just kind of looked and went, "Oh, that was the exit to 26. Oh well." I knew the next five exits would take me towards home anyways, so what did I care.
The caffeine from my iced mocha set in about then, and I decided that since I had already crossed two of Charleston's three rivers (the Cooper and the Wando), the Intercoastal Waterway, and played in the Atlantic Ocean, why not keep going and head over the Ashley River too. So six miles down the road I found myself in a nice shopping center in West Ashley. Again, intending to head back home the way I knew how, I found another street name sign. I had been down part of Ashley River Rd before, and thought I knew where it would eventually end, so off I went. Now, one of the cool things about Charleston is all of the history. Ashley River Road is home to three plantation homes/gardens. They.were.beautiful. The first one I passed, Drayton Hall, was filled with old oak trees with Spanish moss gracefully draped over their many branches. With the filtered sunlight shining through, it was gorgeous. The next, Magnolia Gardens, was filled with blooming pear trees and their many white blossoms and some other tree filled with tiny little fuchsia flowers. A definite sign that spring has sprung. The last, Middleton Place, also has an equestrian center, so it's grounds were filled with probably twenty horses all peacefully grazing and basking in the sunshine. I must visit these places someday!
Finally I ended up near where I had intended to, only to find myself a first hand witness to a nasty car wreck. Word to the wise, just because the car ahead of you turned left and crossed two lanes doesn't mean you're clear to do the same without checking first! All is well though, only minor whiplash injuries. Then I pulled in to Martin's Creek, then I got to my apartment, then I set up camp on the patio with a cold drink of water, my dog, and my laptop and watched the sun go down. Not a bad day. I could get used to this.
Well, once again I am finally out of words, so good night, sleep tight, and until next Sunday think about this question: If you could go anywhere on a road trip right now, where would you go? Oh yeah, and enjoy my pink February-themed background for one more day!
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