Sunday, July 24, 2011

Beat the Heat

The drive to church takes approximately seven minutes.  So this morning, I got in the car, turned on the AC (it was 80 at 8 a.m. this morning), strapped on my seat belt, and then arrived at Crossroads about ten minutes later.  I gathered all of my things and stepped out of the car and started walking towards the church.  About ten seconds later I had to stop.  I wasn't waiting for a car to pass, I wasn't talking to anyone, and I wasn't stopping to look at anything.  No, I had to stop because I couldn't see.  Why?  The temperature difference between my car and the outside world was enough to cause condensation to form on my glasses.

Now, it's not like I've not had condensation form on my glasses before.  But, prior to today, the only time I'd ever had condensation form on my glasses was when I came in from the cold into the warm house.  Initially, I was a little miffed when this happened.  But, after a nanosecond, I figured it gave me an excuse to talk about the weather on my blog, and then I was trying to find my name tag in the name tag basket and completely forgot about my problems with my glasses.  

Don't worry, I know that as much as we all like to complain about the weather TO other people, we don't like to hear other people complain about the weather to us.  So I won't complain, I'll just share...

This week, most of the time Ohio has been just as warm as South Carolina.  Let me just say, I feel your pain.  Literally.  It's painful to walk outside and feel like you're walking into a sauna!  But as I would look at the weather each morning, I was amused at the way the two states handled the heat.  

I think on Monday it was supposed to be 98 here and in Medina.  That morning on the news, the heat wasn't even an issue.  The weatherman literally said, "Another typical July day here in Charleston."  I was a little aghast.  How is 98 degrees not noteworthy?!  When I got to work, the Ohio news feed on my computer at work had a crawler that kept mentioning "Excessive Heat Warning!  Excessive Heat Warning!"  I found this amusing, but only because I was sitting inside in my very well air-conditioned office.

I know it's all in what you're used to (See the comment I made about the temperature of 98 degrees.)  Back in January, the freezing rain we had that lasted all of three hours shut down all the major bridges in the area and the entire state government for a day and a half.   I drove my friend to the airport a few days after Christmas last year.  I think there were three or four inches of snow on the road and we may or may not have almost gotten stuck on Blake Road a few times.  We have truck loads of salt stored away, they used...sand.  

Friday I was listening to the radio on my way into work, and the DJs were reading a story about classrooms in Illinois and Indiana not having air conditioning.  The female DJ is a little over dramatic anyways, but she couldn't believe that there are buildings in existence that still don't have AC.  I think she talked about that for the entire fifteen minutes it took me to drive to work! 

While I am not a fan of extreme heat (I burned my hand on my steering wheel yesterday), I have learned to deal with it.  Basically, it comes down to running from air conditioned apartment to air conditioned car to air conditioned office/store/church/other people's homes, etc.  See?  It's a science!  And, now that it's almost the end of July, I hopefully have only another 50-60 days of unbearable heat.  And by that I mean that after 50-60 days the high might be less than 90 degrees.  85 and no humidity feels like heaven now.  

Adios, amigos.  I have very few hours of freedom left to enjoy, and I still have about half of my Parks and Rec DVD to watch.  I love it when Target has sales on DVDs!  

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