Saturday, April 30, 2016

That's 'w', 'h', Thirteen 'e's and a Few Exclamation Points


It began the first week of April. I had just started work on a new project in Vinton County, and I was writing down travel dates, training dates, and eyeing a few dates for some data collection. Four weeks  of my summer were now planned.

I figured that while I was in front of the calendar, I should probably just write out everything else that I had been meaning to write down, but hadn't yet taken the time to do so.

"Gardening season is in full swing, so it's probably time to schedule some food preservation classes. Let's fit that in around the food security summit and policy council meetings. Oh yeah, and the food safety training that requires a three day out-of-town stay."

"Fair week is in late July...I've got those project enrichment days scheduled...project judging is the week before my birthday...I need to schedule time off for my birthday..."

School is only in session for another month, but in that month there's a week of teaching financial management to middle school students, a few days of child care and child development, some decision-making, and building water-powered bottle rockets with the after school kids. On the calendar page for August, I wrote a note to schedule classes with a handful of teachers.

"Kate- are you still going to offer cooking classes to our group?" "Yes, but only if I can switch my usual days with you all. Let's schedule these three days." Since I usually schedule those classes around Chamber meetings, I put my Chamber commitments on paper as well, then Social Service Council, then Drug Task Force, then Food Bank Advisory, then Children's Health Consortium...


May through September isn't quite fully booked yet, but it's getting pretty close. As much as I love my job, I don't want to look back on my summer and think that I spent it all in an office. So for fun that night, I went home and used my favorite markers to make some word art that outlined what I want to do on the weekends and the few evening hours I'll have.

Baseball games, visiting Presque Isle again, a trip to Michigan, driving out to random summer festivals, letterboxing, hiking all the parks in Medina, walking 150 miles.

Blowing bubbles, getting ice cream from Bid's, drawing, reading, spending time outside every day, writing, catching fireflies.

I also left space for unknown things that might find their way into my life.

I've likened my summer to the Demon Drop that used to be at Cedar Point: the last month has been the ride up the height of the tower, preparing for everything on my upcoming schedule as much as I could. Last week I reached the top of the tower and was sent out to hang precariously over the edge, just waiting. Today, the bottom drops out; and while the ride will ultimately seem too short, it will be exciting, exhilarating, delightful, and just plain fun.


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