Wednesday, November 6, 2013


I have a pride issue. I like to think that I operate on a higher plane of existence than I actually do, and I act like it far too often. But as the verse says, "Pride goes before a fall, and a haughty spirit goes before destruction." Over the last two days my pride has taken a fall, and my spirit, while not destroyed, suffered a few bruises. Allow me to offer some apologies to explain what has happened.

1.) I apologize to everyone I have secretly and not so secretly mocked regarding technological abilities...aka my mother and most other individuals over the age of 40. Yesterday I was unable to properly format a Word document even though the formatting was cutting and pasting. I also discovered that me using special features on Outlook is akin to me using an iPad: it just can't be done. Oh, and that was definitely me in the parking garage today looking for a slot to swipe my card when all I really needed to do was scan it.

2.) I apologize to my uncles for ever using you as an example in "bad behavior" stories. I recently discovered through some conversations that even the worst stories you, my mother, or my grandmother have told regarding your behavior as young adults (and, let's face it, as adults now) is child's play compared to what some other people's uncles have done and continue to do. In fact, I'm going to start filling out the sainthood paperwork for you all right now.

3.) I apologize to everyone of my colleagues in Ohio who has been referred to by a wrong name over the last four months. That includes you, Abbey/Amy, Taylor/Liz, Sandy/Lisa, and Jocelyn/Shannon. Although, in my defense, can I really be to blame that you are nearly identical to other people I in my life?

Lots of apologies all around tonight. On that note, I'm not going to apologize for ending this post. TTFN!

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