Thursday, January 5, 2012


Aggravation- noun- an exasperated feeling of annoyance.

Earlier this week I was telling a few people that since I've returned to South Carolina, this week has been a compilation of hilariously disastrous events.  All week, I've been trying to put a name to what I've been feeling, and tonight I finally realized that term is : aggravated!!

What do I have to be aggravated about?  Nothing, really, but when one has a blog, it is one's duty to pontificate on meaningless drivel.  (Hey, you choose to read!)  So here goes:

My car.  I hate cars.  The only reason I have one is because...I have to.  I know I'm overly paranoid about all things cars, but my car keeps coming up with new problems to throw my way.  I've had this car for six months.  It's aggravating.

My job (for this week only!).  There is a reason there are limits for appointments at a doctor's office, reservations at a restaurant, and seats at a stadium.  IF you let anyone show up at any time, there are bound to be problems.  This week, this rule of thumb has gone out the window and there are no limits.  It's aggravating.

My lack of thought process.  I really needed a new filter for my furnace, and while I was choosing one at the store, I noticed some inexpensive scented air fresheners that attach to said filter.  I was excited, because this would help keep my home smelling fresh!!! Well, that would be the case, if there was a need or reason to run said furnace. I've only run my furnace twice in three months due to incredibly mild temperatures, rendering the air freshener ineffective until it cools down again or the AC needs to start up again. I hate it when I don't think about all the possibilities.  It's aggravating.

My neighbors.  After sitting in their car with their bright lights shining into my patio window, they start arguing over dumb things, like who ate more pizza that night.  Normally it's amusing, but not this week.  It's aggravating.

Well, now that I'm done pontificating, I need to go finish my to-do list, which includes working on my budget. THAT'S aggravating!  Happy Thursday everyone!

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