At the beginning of May, I said that this summer was going to be like a crazy roller coaster ride: lots of ups and down, thrilling and scary at the same time, and over way too quickly. It happened just like that.
-a business trip to Marietta, which is one of the cooler towns I've ever visited in Ohio. When history and entrepreneurship meet, good things happen.
-Mom and I went on a random trip to Kokomo, IN with a pit stop to a cemetery in Cicero, IN.
-I taught Real Money Real World at the middle school, and the kids surprised me by their maturity, understanding, and math skills. It was a great week!
-Presque Isle. One of my favorite places to visit, and we got to visit a few new landmarks in the area. Poor Aaron was pretty much a zombie because he had just finished a twelve hour shift when we left, but he was a good sport and hung out with us anyways.
-I hiked up Mt. Pleasant with Katie & Grant, then we ate at Cherry Street Pub, which is my favorite :)
-Cooper got ticks. I nearly barfed.
-SAN DIEGO!!!! This was easily the highlight of my summer. I have never had so much fun just walking around a city (and I know that I haven't even covered a quarter of the city) and being a tourist. And to think that I tried to back out of the trip several times...
-The Lancaster Festival. It was so fun to walk around the downtown area with friends and see everyone's creativity and artwork.
-Sinkholes. Bleh.
- That month is a blur. Other than the cat getting sick and turning my house into a biohazard, all I know is that I worked. A lot. And I don't really remember the month.
-Wait, I remember the parentals coming down for home repairs. My dining room/den looks pretty pretty and there are no holes in my driveway.
- Also a blur. Lots of traveling across the south central region of the state for data collection purposes. I love the farm country and all the little towns along the way.
-I learned how to use a chainsaw over Labor Day weekend. I don't like using a chainsaw, but at least I learned that skill!
-Dad's birthday- The Homonai's dined in public without any kind of spectacle. Aka, the kids acted like the grownups they kind of are.
There were lots of other little things that made the summer enjoyable as well- breakfast with friends, fireflies, thunderstorms, walking and walking and walking, theater productions, and bubbles.
Oh, I learned a lot too. I wasn't in or around church or my small group very often, but when I was, I learned! Being selfless vs. selfish, being reminded that I am NOT the most important person in the room (or anywhere else), waiting, patience, compassion, etc. I can't even talk about it being 'painful,' because it's actually been fun to learn these lessons and address some of my many faults.
So now the train has reached the station and I am focusing on fall. I had another adventure list I wanted to start, this time focusing on things that would be difficult or uncomfortable for me. I may still chip away at that list, but I actually just want to rest and start to (finally) settle in to Lancaster. I didn't realize it, but pretty much since I left Medina in 2010 I've never really tried to fit in and get to know my new home. Summerville was kind of a tourist destination to me, Logan was just a stop along the way, and Lancaster to this point has been a place of convenience- closer to home, near friends, and just the right distance from work. So this season, I am excited to work towards making Lancaster my long-term home.
TL;DR- Kate had a great summer and wishes to thank everyone who played a part in that, which is pretty much everyone she works with, goes to church with, and is part of her family.
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